terça-feira, janeiro 23, 2007

Quiz's - E não faço mais nenhum!!!

You Were a Peacock
You carry yourself with beauty, dignity, and confidence.You are able to see the past, present, and future with clarity.
What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
Preferia ser um urso, ou uma águia... Agora PAVÃO??? Bolas!

Your Vampire Name Is...
Seductress de Sade

Sexy hm??

Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?"
Mentira!! Preto, laranja ou amarelo (principalmente amarelo).

Both of You Wear the Pants
You and your guy seem to have stuck the perfect power balance.It's not that you don't disagree - it's just that you've learned how to compromise well.You're both mature enough to know that you can't always get your way...And usually, you're both adult enough to reach an agreement - even if that sometimes means giving in a little.
Who Wears the Pants in Your Relationship?
AH!AH!AH! Quem usa as calças sou eu!!

Your Beauty Element is Air
You're quirky, fresh, and fashionable in a surprising way.You have a beauty that's all your own, and it changes as quickly as the wind!
Não teço comentários...

You Are Strawberries with Cream
Fresh and uncomplicated, you are always enjoyed but often overlooked.You're confident in who you are. You don't need a facade to feel better about yourself.
What Dessert Are You Most Like?
Acreditava mais se fosse um bolo de chocolate...

You Are a Normal Girl
You are 60% Good and 40% BadSure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
UUUUH! Sou boazinha... Que giro... Ainda ontem um aluno me perguntou porque é que eu era tão boazinha!! Sério!!

You've Got Guys Lined Up Around the Block
While your little black book isn't as thick as Paris Hilton's...You get the most dates of any girl you knowIt's your whole five star package that attracts men -Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue.
Are You Attractive?
Onde é que eles estão?? Não os vejo!!

Your Element is Earth
Your power color: yellow
Your energy: balancing
Your season: changing of seasons
Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.
What Element Are You?
E agora chega de Quiz's!!!

sábado, janeiro 20, 2007

M.A.U. - Prick I am

MAU - Prick (I am) X

Grupo português que desconheço. É a primeira vez que oiço qualquer coisa deles, sai completamente do meu âmbito musical. Mas vale pelo video...
A mentes mais sensiveis desaconselho.

Se o coelhinho me aparece-se à frente eu arrancava-lhe o sorrisinho pateta da cara =P

Dá para rir!!! XD

sábado, janeiro 13, 2007


You Are Fall!

sábado, janeiro 06, 2007


Sonhos que caminham para longe, desejos que estiveram tão perto a desaparecerem.
Um linha muito fina, muito ténue...
Pessoas cruéis; como podereis vós dormir de noite!
Acredito que o que se deseja e o que se faz, é-nos retribuido três vezes mais. A natureza tem o seu curso e encarregar-se-á de o fazer valer. Aí, o arrependimento não conta, porque no pagar das contas, a verdade virá ao de cima e todas as arestas serão limadas.
Para amigos assim, quem precisa de inimigos?